Amazon Mechanical Turk
Massive micro task site comprising mostly of surveys and machine learning.
Micro task sites have become increasingly more common which also means there are more likely to be ones that are a complete waste of your time. Amazon Mechnical Turk, or mTurk as it is often called, remains one of the first and one of the best sites offering crowd sourced tasks for small amounts of money. While you can sign up for either a worker or a requester through the main site, I only have experience from the earning side of things. Regardless of which side you are on though, it’s hard not to at least take a look at a site with the power of the amazon company backing it. I’ve also found quite a few of the tasks fascinating because of the machine learning connection.
The site might seem relatively simple, but it does exactly what you would want it to. The main screen is a list of all the tasks currently needing to be completed by someone. I say that because everyone is operating off the same list. There can and will be also quite a few of those tasks not able to be accessed by you because the requester is looking for a specific type of worker.
By definition, the vast majority of work is going to be small, with small returns as well. Those micro amounts do add up though, and I’ve made quite a bit of money from this site over time. Take a look at some of the good and bad sides to Amazon Mechnical Turk and see what you think for yourself!
The Good:
- There are no minimum payouts or transaction fees. What you earn is what you get.
- Tasks cover a wide variety, and you can preview what’s expected before you accept a task.
- You can return a task if you realize it’s a poor fit.
- Surveys you don’t qualify for are the exception, not the norm.
- Payment posted is the minimum you can earn for a HIT. Many have added bonuses that increase payout.
The Bad:
- Qualifications can prevent you from being able to take the best HITs.
- Each tasks payment is set by the requester not the program, so pay can have a large range.
- Payouts are only done once a week.
- You must connect a checking or other banking account to get paid.
If the cons haven’t scared you away yet, please read on for more in-depth information about Amazon Mechnical Turk. You can learn more about the site itself as well as a third-party forum where many of the highest earners congegrate.
The micro tasks for Amazon Mechnical Turk are called HITs, or Human Intelligence Tasks. Depending on the task, you could be able to several tasks within a listing or only choose one. When it comes to the surveys, the requester will naturally want only one response from the same person.

The micro tasks for Amazon Mechnical Turk are called HITs, or Human Intelligence Tasks. Depending on the task, you could be able to several tasks within a listing or only choose one. When it comes to the surveys, the requester will naturally want only one response from the same person.
Although the games are by far my favorite part of Crypto Sense, I do appreciate that there are other ways to earn as well. The easiest is going to be the surveys though they are arguably the most boring option. Compared to some sites, there aren’t that many third-party programs offering surveys, but the two that are available are reputable.
In fact, Theorem Reach is probably my favorite survey offer anywhere you can find. A few quick questions before you ever get taken to a survey. If you actually do get taken to another screen, you are guaranteed to have at least some payout even if the survey itself kicks you out later on. If there’s a considerable amount of time spent on it, you are also able to give ratings to the survey which is a nice feature too. Pollfish is decent but doesn’t have any special features like the first does in my opinion.
What crypto or token app does not include some kind of referral program? I don’t believe I can think of a single one in this space that doesn’t have some sort of built in system for it. And that’s often why the crypto space is so often compared to a pyramid scheme. Many sites and apps only allow withdrawals once you’ve roped in a certain amount of people who are also playing the game. I can happily say this is not the case with Crypto Sense. Do I earn something if people were to join because of me? Absolutely! But there isn’t anything shady about this app unlike let’s say Coin Birds or Golden Birds or any of the multiple iterations that all look the same with just different characters. I digress…this is a real opportunity though, and a true play to earn with easy withdrawals.
Payouts are simple and use coin gecko as the reference table for what each coin is worth. There doesn’t seem to be any limit to how many times per day or week you can choose to withdraw, and it’s near instantaneous. As mentioned earlier, you can withdraw in the form of many different cryptocurrencies. 32 in fact!
As long as you have 1000+ sense in the bank, you can withdraw at any time. That 1000 mark seems to be about 2¢ worth of whatever currency you choose. For me, I like to choose the options that aren’t readily available anywhere else. Cosmos (ATOM) can be staked on pretty much any exchange or wallet right now for an APY higher than high-yield savings accounts. Because of that, I’ve been choosing that one for my payouts anywhere I can. Getting 6-12% depending on where you look isn’t a bad ROI at any time. Especially on something you get for free.
Coinbase isn’t the only withdrawal method, but it’s the one I recommend most for US players. Crypto Sense does also offer Faucet Pay if users prefer that instead.