Imagine the song by Guns N’ Roses but sped up with a higher pitch setting, and that’s probably what my thoughts are like most of the time. And now, you can experience it yourself by sifting through what is quickly growing to be my own personal brain dump.
Regardless of what brought you here, I do genuinely hope you stay and enjoy yourself a little while.

Reading and Reviews
Lisbeth Reads!
All joking aside, I do read a lot, and it’s almost impossible not to form an opinion on what you read. So if you’re looking for the next written work to devour, head this way. I can proudly say that these are and always will be almost 100% indie authors and titles.
Writing and Craft
Write Right
…or not at all is a gross misnomer. What one person treasures might be trash to another. While I know my works may not be something everyone likes, no one will like them if I don’t put them out there in the first place. Snippets, short stories, and more await through the portal. As do some tips I’ve learned along the way and want to share.
Always Improving
For Those Who Can't Be Idle
I have always been the type that there is never enough time for all my interests. So thankfully I’m able to combine quite a few of them (like knitting in movie theaters)! But between teaching others, learning a few things of my own, and creating things, I’m thankfully never idle.
Gaming and Roleplaying
All Things Addicting
Ever thought about writing so much that it’s carried over into other hobbies? While some games are easier to roleplay on others, the vibrant communities on Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls are absolutely amazing. Current gaming obsessions are Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy 14, and League of Legends.
Investing and Side Hustles
Earn a Little Extra
More a journal chronicling all of my attempts to form more passive streams of income (while also indulging in my favorite ways to pass time), don’t expect expert financial advice. But if you’ve ever been interested in starting out, especially in crypto, without a large bankroll to do it, there might be some nuggets of advice here.

Common Questions/Concerns
I’m so glad you asked! A collection of my own first and foremost. A place for my own writing, my opinions on other people’s writing, and my many exploits on the many games I’ve taken a liking to. Oh, and my fledgling forays into cryptocurrency and investing as well.
Yes, please send me your books! I’m always in need of more things to read. Just fill out the form on the request page or send me an email directly to get in touch with me about it. PDEF’s are highly preferred!
I cannot stress this enough, but all reviews of any type of work on my site are my own personal opinion. Just like you wouldn’t stand over a person at the dinner table and demand they like or dislike the same foods you do, please don’t do that here! If you want to have a proper discussion though, definitely reach out.
Looking at which games suck up my time lately, I clearly prefer playing with people rather than alone. So sure, if you play the same games and want another friend on them, feel free to reach out. Heck, if it’s a game I haven’t tried and you have a convincing enough argument for why I should, send them my way too.
Here is a general disclaimer: I have never trained as an economic adviser. This is more about sharing my own adventures in that world than anything else. As such, I probably just haven’t heard about it yet, so feel free to share!
I do! However, I’m not always as reliable as I’d like to be with actually sending newsletters out. On the flipside, that also means spam is very unlikely to happen at least.