Never Enough Time
I’m caught in that terrible limbo where I try to stuff way too many things into the limited amount of time I have. And while I do complain about it, I’d much rather be in that state than not have enough to do. A me that is bored and idle is not one you want to be around, to say the least.

This area is my most truly indulgent part of the website (not that all the areas aren’t at least a little indulgent already). But this is where everything that doesn’t really fit under any of the other parts kind of comes together.
- Learning: I firmly believe that you can’t be a true teacher with a closed mind. If you aren’t willing to learn or improve yourself, how can you see the value of doing so for others? A teacher is a leader of the classroom, and what good leader isn’t willing to do what they make the people lead do too.
- Teaching: Mostly rants or tidbits of things from the day-to-day life of a public high school teacher. There will never be any real names involved because privacy is something I take very seriously.
- Creating: While I do not profess any true type of skills in the drawing department, I do dabble sometimes. The majority of what you find here will be more along the lines of photographs of various things, including my knitted blankets or other yarn projects.
- Challenges: I’m always trying new things to help keep up the routines that are good for me and weed out those that are bad. Some of it might just be gamifying certain things, but I have realized what really does work for me. Click the link below to learn more, from just recording and celebrating certain milestones to participating in full-scale online challenges you can join too.