If you’ve heard anything about League of Legends, you’ve also probably heard about just how toxic a lot of the player base can be. I understand that toxicity a little more when the stakes are high, such as in ranked games. But there’s so much salt even in the more casual game modes.
I’ve done the ranked grind both solo and on a team before. That’s not really the type of gaming I enjoy anymore though. To truly succeed in those modes, you have to devote quite a bit more time than I have to give at the moment. And as described above, the vitriol and general attitudes of many you meet in those modes just isn’t worth it. I do love me a good ARAM game though! If you’re on the NA server and enjoy that mode, hit me up for one sometime.
Just to save you the trouble if you’re the type that likes to spy on anyone you might play with…here is the link to my summoner stats.