I just can’t seem to quit Final Fantasy XIV. No matter how many times I’ve taken a break nor how long those breaks might be, I keep coming back to this game. I do genuinely enjoy playing it, but unlike much of what else I play, it’s less the actual game that keeps bringing me back. It’s the people. If you’ve seen this MMO anywhere on the internet, you’ve likely also seen praise of its community. That’s not without reason. The player base is still one of the most diverse and most welcoming I’ve seen in over 20 years of playing online games now.
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
Because of the way the game approaches duties and dungeons, it’s never hard finding something to do regardless of your level. Experienced players are also able to act as mentors, with many rewards if they are to do so. Much of the game can be done casually, especially the main storyline that is quite frankly, one of the best in any game out there. The stories that its players create can often be even better.
Final Fantasy XIV is a roleplayer’s paradise. No matter which center or world you are on, you can find roleplay if you know where to look. Or can often see shouts or advertising for it even if you weren’t looking. From thriving player-run nightclubs to cozy little cafes, people come together to create amazing spaces and form lasting friendships. The pictures below depict some of the many characters I’ve created over the years. A few are battle-tested, but most of them were intentionally created only for a war of words and nothing else.